Product description

Resinoid bonded grinding wheels are more shock resistant and are operated at higher peripheral speeds for the roughest and toughest applications in the foundry industry, snagging operations focus primarily on the material removal rates. With high wheel speeds and manual grinding involved, the product design calls for robustness that gives utmost safety while addressing the material removal requirements of the user.

CUMI wheels stands to this tough task, thanks to a rugged combinations of specially formulated resins and toughened grains. The reinforced bores ensure that the product is extremely safety use in spite of the rugged nature of the applications.

Abrasives Used:

  1. Brown Aluminium oxide
  2. Black Silicon Carbide
  3. Silicon carbide & Aluminium oxide blend
  4. Zirconia alumina


  1. Cleaning the casting burrs and risers
  2. Preparing  the surface for plating or painting
  3. Smoothening of welded seams
  4. Billet / Ingot conditioning


  1. Rounded, tough abrsives
  2. Strong and tough resin bond for durability
  3. Grinding aids for cool cutting
  4. High accuracy finishing of wheels for better geometry


  1. Excellent cutting action
  2. Higher productivity
  3. controlled wear and longer wheel life
  4. Burn free surface
  5. Unparalled safety


Abrasive UsedCUMI CodeGritDiameter (mm)Diameter (Inch)Thickness (mm)Thickness (Inch)SpeedHardnessStructure
Zirconia AluminaAZA12 - 2450 - 2002 - 810 - 251/64 - 150M - R2 - 9
Silicon Carbide & Brown Aluminium OxideCA14 - 24
Black Silicon CarbideC
Brown Aluminium OxideA

Portable grinder is small grinder handled manually, which can be carried from place to place and used for rough grinding of large forging and welded joints. These machines are of light and compact construction, carrying self-contained power units either electric motors or air turbines.

Their uses are varied, but their chief value lies in their ability to present the grinding wheel to surfaces that are inaccessible to other type of machines. Remove small amount of work from large work pieces at widely separated joints reduce welds and remove small surface imperfections and finishing operations as the blending of curved surfaces.

TypeSpeedFor Better LifeFor Better MRR
Carbon Steel & Low Alloy Steel50A163 R3 TDR1215A163 R5 BM4
High Alloy Steel & Stainless SteelA163 R2 BM4A163 Q5 BM4
Hi-Chrome SteelAZA163 TDR1175AZA143 TDR1214
Grey Cast Iron & SG IronC163 Q3 B1551CA163 TDR1219

Floor stand grinder is also known as 'Pedestal grinder'. The grinder has a pedestal or a stand fixed to the floor. The grinder has a horizontal spindle with wheels at the ends, designed  to mount Type 1 wheels.

Owing to their construction they have an extraordinary capacity to withstand mechanical shock, the reinforcing layers giving greater tensile strength 

The machines on which hard or strong organic bond wheels are to be used must be operated at speeds exceeding 6500 sfpm (33mps)

Abrasive UsedCUMI CodeGritDiameter (mm)Diameter (Inch)Thickness (mm)Thickness (Inch)SpeedHardnessStructure
Zirconia AluminaAZA12 - 24300 - 75012 - 3025 - 1001 - 450P - T2 - 8
Silicon Carbide & Brown Aluminium OxideCA14 - 20
Black Silicon CarbideC
Brown Aluminium OxideA, 14A

This grinder consists of horizontal frame 2 to 3 meters long with a motor mounted at the rear, Which drives, through belts the grinding wheels spindle at the front end of the frame. This frame is suspended in the middle. It can swing about its point of suspension. One end carries the grinding wheel attached to a motor and other end carries the counter weight. Handle provided at the wheel end.

Billet Grinding:

Billet grinding is the conditioning of the billets, blooms slabs and ingots in large and medium size steel industries to remove defects such as surface cracks, seams, pinholes, slag patches etc.

Wheel TypeTypeSpeedFor Better LifeFor Better MRR
PEDESTALCarbon Steel & Low Alloy Steel50A163 R2 TDR1215A163 TDR1220
High Alloy Steel & Stainless SteelA163 R2 BM4A163 R5 BM4
Hi-Chrome SteelAZA123 TDR1175AZA143 TDR1214
Manganese Steel14A16 P3 B1322
Grey Cast Iron & SG IronCA145 TDR505CCA163 TDR1219
SWING FRAMECarbon Steel & Low Alloy Steel50A163 S3 TDR1215A163 TDR1220
High Alloy Steel & Stainless SteelA143 TD722A163 TDR1220
Hi-Chrome SteelAZA123 TDR1175AZA143 TDR1214
Manganese Steel14A16 P3 B1322
Grey Cast Iron & SG IronC163 T3 BSGCA163 TDR1219
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