Product description

Internal or Bore Grinding wheels are used for grinding inner diameter of bearing, gears & automobile components to an accurate size & desired finish. CUMI's versatile range of bore grinding wheels are used for grinding a variety of components that require size generation, fine surface finish and fast stock removal. We also offer value added services like special treatment for lubrication & Cooler cutting action.


  1. Sharp aluminium oxide grains for excellent cutting action
  2. krystal bond for form holding(V500)
  3. Available in various shapes

Adavntages of CUMI Wheels:

  1. Good form retention
  2. Excellent surface finish
  3. Less dressing intervention
  4. Reduced cycle time
  5. Burn free surface
Abrasive UsedCUMI CodeGritDiameter ( mm )Diameter ( Inch )Thickness ( mm )Thickness ( Inch )HardnessStructureSpeed ( mps )
Micro Crystalline GrainCN/CSA60 - 12060 - 1203/8 - 55 - 751/5 - 3I - M6 - 833, 50 & 63
Pink Aluminium OxideRA7
Sharp Aluminium Oxide55A7
Semi Friable Aluminium OxideSA5 - 8
MaterialHardnessBearing I.D (mm)SpeedBestBetterGood
Taper Roller Bearing (TRB)55 - 60 HRc<= 70upto 503CN80 J6 VC50055A80 J7 VC500SA60 J7 V144
633CN80 J6 VC50055A80 J7 VC500RA60 J7 VF8
> 70upto 503CN80 I6 VC50055A80 J7 VC500SA80 J7 V144
633CN80 I6 VC50055A80 J7 VC500RA80 J7 VF8
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